Solid Waste Department: (478) 803-0499 • Ryland: (866) 898-4411

To create a recycling center in Macon, the solid waste department along with a few county employees are headed to tour an existing facility in Conyers.

This comes after the solid waste department announced Macon’s main landfill on 11th Street will need to close in the next three years. Soild Waste Department Director Kevin Barkley said since they are expanding Macon-Bibb’s recycling program, the county needs a place to sort and dispose of recyclables.

Currently, if you live in the former unincorporated area, you can request curbside single stream pickup, but Barkley said they are working to cycle everyone to the same program managed by the same company. Barkley also said they are touring facilities in Conyers and Columbus to learn how other facilities operate, along with comparing the technology used to see what Macon-Bibb needs.